Benefits that I enjoyed after I tried these Mind Exercises

Ever since college was coming to a close, I had started thinking about working so that I could finally go out and have fun with my friends. The first year was great- I was making some money and without heeding a word of my parents were told me about savings, I was spending a good deal every month on shopping and partying. I was looking at new shoes, and new clothes and new gadgets and even though I had already started working overtime due to the increasing amount of workload, the thought of the paycheck at the end of each month made me go for a while.

However, within the first couple of years of starting my job, the boredom had started to creep in and waking up every morning felt like an ordeal. Soon I had stopped going out with friends and I came home each day from work almost always with a headache and a backache. I had heard my seniors telling me how I was eventually going to hate it one day but now I was at that point where I started believing that they were right. But I did not want them to.

Perhaps the best of things happen in the unlikeliest of places and this is something that I came to realize when I suddenly got a small break from work. I was accumulating my leaves for a while now and when one fine day I could not bear to work anymore, I decided to use them up all at once and decided to visit a distant cousin of mine who stayed six kilometers away from Shimla. He was working in a resort there and I felt it was the best place to visit on a short notice as I would not have to worry about accommodations. After spending the first couple of days almost cooped up in my room- oblivious to the view outside and trying to get rid of my sleep deprived state- I decided to step out and went for a walk.

As I walked for an hour and stopped to take a break, I reached this small creek where a group of elderly men and women were seated. They were a part of a group which organized trips for the elderly and I was staring at them seeing how happy they were, till one of them caught me in the act and beckoned me over.

After the usual questions about where I was from and what I do, when I finally told them about my tiredness, one of the aunties there told me to practice some mind exercises which she promised were simple, and which to this day I try to follow. I must stay they truly helped me when I needed them the most.

  • One of the first things she told me was to keep my brain active in ways so that it could in turn keep my body active. She asked me to do my daily chores with my eyes closed. Not being able to see would heighten my other senses, just what I needed at the moment.
  • Next, she asked me if I read a lot, and I said that earlier, there was a time when I used to, but now not so much. She asked me read books aloud and it would be especially beneficial if I altered the reading with someone else. That was to stimulate my imagination in a whole new way, she promised.
  • The next piece of advice that I found really interesting was that she told me to take a different route to work each day. That was sure to break the everyday monotony of the routine at the very beginning and finally when I reached work, I would feel different.
  • She then asked me how I felt after taking the walk, and as I definitely felt better I told her so. She told me to get out of my room and of my regular office surroundings and said that it would help me think better, rather than simply trying to get work done sitting in front of a computer. 

After I came back, I did try to incorporate some of these things in my life, and the monotony has truly decreased somewhat. I do not know how long I will be able to keep at it, being so lazy that I am, but I do hope they help others as well.

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